Audience of One
As many of you know, I’m an independent author. I’ve written stories since I was a little girl, but only gained the courage to start...

The Donaldsons Stand Among Roslyn's Black Pioneers: Part 5
By Alisa Weis and Ryan Anthony Donaldson Donaldson Presence in Yakima This is the fifth part of a series on Roslyn’s Black Pioneers, made...

The Donaldsons Stand Among Roslyn's Black Pioneers: Part 4
By Alisa Weis and Ryan Anthony Donaldson Donaldson Presence in Seattle This is the fourth part of a series on Roslyn’s Black Pioneers,...

The Donaldsons Stand Among Roslyn's Black Pioneers Part 3
This is the third part of a series on Roslyn’s Black Pioneers, made possible due to the diligent research of Lillian “Babe” (Donaldson)...

The Donaldsons Stand Among Roslyn's Black Pioneers Part 2
By Alisa Weis and Ryan Anthony Donaldson Donaldson family, ca. 1902, in Roslyn, Washington. Top row (from left): William “Peck”, General...

The Donaldsons Stand Among Roslyn's Black Pioneers
Part 1: The Donaldsons stand among Roslyn’s Black Pioneer families by Alisa Weis and Ryan Anthony Donaldson Authors’ note: This is the...

Connie Hampton Connally: Writing of what's Real and Redemptive
(Connie Hampton Connally, author of "The Songs We Hide" and the forthcoming "Fire Music" ) For years I've convinced myself I've needed...

The Last Culprit
At the Gig Harbor Historical Museum this past summer I'm nearing the end of writing my third novel, and I don't think the process will...

The Emblem: Questions and Answers
(Nancy Archer: photo credit) What inspired you to write The Emblem? I’ve always been drawn to stories about love against the odds,...

Rock Made Castle: The Case for Fiction
Why write fiction when real life events are incredible enough? It's a fair enough question, and I've even heard it from my husband, a...